Lots of customers want to know why we don't allow visitors to come into our puppy house. The health and safety of our mommas and pups are the number one factors here at Henderson Labs. Some very good reasons we don’t allow visits are listed below. We do however encourage you to come out to our place and see our other dogs that we have. You will get to see the Sire to the pups and some of our past pups that we have kept for our breeding program. This will give you an idea of what your pup might look like when he/she gets older
*Safety of the Puppies*
Puppy’s immune systems are very immature. This is why it is so important not to bring any disease into our puppy house. Many unsuspecting visitors have brought disease (parvovirus, distemper, etc.) with them when visiting puppies, not meaning to, by touching the pups. They might have picked up a disease from walking somewhere where contamination is at or by touching something that is contaminated and not have a clue. This result of which could be the death of the entire litter. I personally know several breeders who have lost entire litter's to parvovirus brought in by visitors and this is what we don't want to happen here at Henderson Labs.
*Stressed out Moms create stressed out puppies* A new mother is emotionally charged and in hyper-protective mode. When a stranger comes to visit, Mom(s) becomes stressed causing her body to create cortisol, which goes into the milk. The puppies consume this cortisol-rich milk and become stressed themselves.
*Panicked Moms can hurt puppies*
When a stranger comes to visit a mother dog’s state of mind changes rapidly. She feels threatened and moves quickly to assess the threat. Many Moms have unintentionally stepped on or crushed a puppy in their urgency to get out of the whelping box to assess the threat. This has happened to us in the past and that is why we don't allow visitors in our puppy house.
*Petting the puppies*
I know that everyone wants to play, cuddle and let the pups lick all over you to get to smell that '' puppy breath”, but that could be tragic in the end. I will not compromise the health and safety of my puppies. With that being said I can assure you that we are not a puppy mill and we don't sell to puppy stores. We are very happy to provide references of families who have our puppies as well as see our reviews on our Facebook Pages, Henderson Labs & Henderson Labradors. Families that have placed a deposit, you can pick by looking at the pictures on our site www.hendersonlabadors.com
I am with the puppies everyday and can tell you about each of their personalities, temperaments. If there is something you are looking for in a pup, just let me know and I will do my best in observing the pups and match the pup to your expectations. We thank each and every one of you for your understanding and cooperation.
*Safety of the Puppies*
Puppy’s immune systems are very immature. This is why it is so important not to bring any disease into our puppy house. Many unsuspecting visitors have brought disease (parvovirus, distemper, etc.) with them when visiting puppies, not meaning to, by touching the pups. They might have picked up a disease from walking somewhere where contamination is at or by touching something that is contaminated and not have a clue. This result of which could be the death of the entire litter. I personally know several breeders who have lost entire litter's to parvovirus brought in by visitors and this is what we don't want to happen here at Henderson Labs.
*Stressed out Moms create stressed out puppies* A new mother is emotionally charged and in hyper-protective mode. When a stranger comes to visit, Mom(s) becomes stressed causing her body to create cortisol, which goes into the milk. The puppies consume this cortisol-rich milk and become stressed themselves.
*Panicked Moms can hurt puppies*
When a stranger comes to visit a mother dog’s state of mind changes rapidly. She feels threatened and moves quickly to assess the threat. Many Moms have unintentionally stepped on or crushed a puppy in their urgency to get out of the whelping box to assess the threat. This has happened to us in the past and that is why we don't allow visitors in our puppy house.
*Petting the puppies*
I know that everyone wants to play, cuddle and let the pups lick all over you to get to smell that '' puppy breath”, but that could be tragic in the end. I will not compromise the health and safety of my puppies. With that being said I can assure you that we are not a puppy mill and we don't sell to puppy stores. We are very happy to provide references of families who have our puppies as well as see our reviews on our Facebook Pages, Henderson Labs & Henderson Labradors. Families that have placed a deposit, you can pick by looking at the pictures on our site www.hendersonlabadors.com
I am with the puppies everyday and can tell you about each of their personalities, temperaments. If there is something you are looking for in a pup, just let me know and I will do my best in observing the pups and match the pup to your expectations. We thank each and every one of you for your understanding and cooperation.